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To the Work!

Rainbow and boat on the Niagara Falls

There is a bridge over the Niagara River. It is one of the great highways of the nation; trains pass over it every few minutes of the day. When they began to make the bridge, the first thing they did was to take a boy’s kite and send a little thread across the stream. It seemed a very small thing, but it was the beginning of a great work.

So if we only lead one soul to Christ, eternity alone may tell what the result will be. You may be the means of saving some one who may become one of the most eminent men in the service of God that the world has ever seen. We may not be able to do any great thing; but if each of us will do something, however small it may be, a good deal will be accomplished for God. For a good many years I have made it a rule not to let any day pass without speaking to some one about eternal things. I commenced it away back years ago, and if I live the life allotted to man, there will be 18,250 persons who will have been spoken to personally by me. That of course does not take into account those to whom I speak publicly. How often we as Christians meet with people, when we might turn the conversation into a channel that will lead them up to Christ. 

--D.L. Moody, To The Work! To The Work! Exhortations to Christians (p. 63) 

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