Westlynn Baptist Church
1341 East 27th Street, North Vancouver
Phone: 604.986.4516
Email: info@westlynnbaptist.com
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  • Save Yourself and Those Around You (1 Tim 4:16)

      Article by Pastor Sam Chua

    Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16 ESV)

    The life of God’s preachers and prophets is always intimately tied up with their message. The message is alive because its source is divine and the living and active Word of God is the only force in the world, capable of transforming the immortal soul. At the same time, the life of God’s preacher is a living message that preaches the other 6 days of the week. His life continues to preach even when Sunday has passed and his lips do not move. The fire of sermons will fade and die, but the character of a man fully devoted to Christ is permanently burnt into our minds. How often have I heard Christians say, “I can’t recall exactly what he said, but I remember that he was zealous for God’s Word and that he deeply loved his people.” God has designed us to be deeply touched by people who do not just plead with us, but also radically alter their entire lives for our sake. Paul’s instructions to his young disciple were simple. Watch yourself and watch your message. Preach radical biblical truths and then radically live by them. That was Paul’s duty, that was his hearers’ duty, and that is ours as well.

    Brothers and sisters, what do you preach with your lips to your work colleagues, friends and family? Does the person of Christ season all of your speech? Does his merciful work of redemption for you on the cross manifest itself in abounding grace to others? What does your manner of life preach to the watching world? Would they say that there is a great love for His Word and His people? Or is there only a love for your own words and pleasures? Is there a consistency between what you say and what you do? Truly we are justified by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone. It is always accompanied by Christ-exalting words and deeds. Examine yourself my dear brothers and sisters and pay close attention to the warnings revealed to us in the Scriptures. For by so doing, we and those whom we love, will taste the unmerited, gracious salvation of God.